Órla Fay – two poems

“I’ll Call You…”

When the leaves fall like snow
heavy with their death to the ground
and the light bounces off the rivers and lakes
in the breath of the Arctic air
Skadi’s last kiss to Njord
is remembered by firelight,
a farewell by her, who loved the ice,
to him, who loved the sea.

The Sky at Night

I do not know why we fell in love
and out of love
when the swallows built their nests
and left
when the tide took your name away
when the spiders appeared
and disappeared
when the mountains were clear and beautiful
when the meadows were tall and sweet.

Like a laughing magician the night
pulled away his cloak, our stars and planets.
I pleaded for it all back,
to have those grains of sand again
and knew only the agony of the wound.

And then past storms and moonlight,
eclipses and meteor showers,
purple midnights and teal dawns
the time returns sharply,
glassy or diamond-like,
jagged-shelled and vicious
from a monstrous sea
or a universe we know little of,
except our flesh, our blood
and our connectedness to it.

Órla Fay is the editor of Boyne Berries Magazine and the secretary of Boyne Writers Group. Recently her work has appeared in The Ogham Stone, A New Ulster, The Honest Ulsterman and is forthcoming in The Rose Magazine and Amaryllis. Órla had poems long listed in The Fish Poetry Prize 2017 and The Anthony Cronin International Poetry Award 2017. She recorded her poem Lau Tzu at the Door for Lagan Online’s Poetry Day Ireland Mix Tape 2017. Órla keeps a blog at http://orlafay.blogspot.ie/